Loading images using fetch and promises

If you use fetch to load images you may want to show them on the page or use them in other applications.

const loadImage = (url) => {
    return new Promise((resolve) => {
				// Extract as a blob
        .then((resp) => resp.blob())
        .then((blob) => {
          return URL.createObjectURL(blob);

// then you can use the Object URL as you do any other URL.

<img src="placeholder.jpg" />
const img  = document.querySelector('img');

loadImage('myimage.jpg').then(url => {
	img.src = url

If you want to use in other cases, you want a fully loaded img element. You probably should wait for the image to be loaded as it can take a period of time to load up the image blob into memory.

const loadImage = (url) => {
  return new Promise((resolve) => {
      // Extract as a blob
      .then((resp) => resp.blob())
      .then((blob) => {
        // Image element to load the image into. Could be passed as a variable if you already have an element to load into.
        const img = document.createElement("img");
        // Use blob as object url
        img.src = URL.createObjectURL(blob);

        // wait for image to be loaded before resolving the promise
        img.onload = () => {