Azure DevOps Pipelines API, Object Moved error

Using curl you may find documentation to use Authorization: Basic $PAT to pass your personal access token (PAT).

Let’s say we want to trigger a pipeline run. This is the version you may see around. This does not work and causes a Object Moved page to be loaded with a tag. The link basically logs you into Azure DevOps.

curl --request POST --header "Content-Type: application/json" \
	--header "Authorization: Basic $AZURE_RELEASE_TRIGGER_TOKEN" \
	--data '{ resources: { repositories: { self: { refName: "refs/heads/master" } } } }' \

The issue is it’s not logging you in properly through the PAT. This could be a PAT error or due to invalid authorization format. What works though is if you use the user option for curl, passing your PAT as a password (empty username).

curl --request POST \
	--header "Accept: application/json" \
	--header "Content-Type: application/json" \
	--data '{ resources: { repositories: { self: { refName: "refs/heads/master" } } } }' \

If successful, you should see the proper response instead of the Object Moved error. Remember to add the : in the user part. This is the separation format due to the blank user. See curl --help to see more details.