Ecogarden Design

Ecogarden Design Logo
Ecogarden Design Logo

Ever stop at an intersection and then suddenly someone honks their horn. “I’m looking at the plants!” I exclaim. Everyone trying to move too fast.

Ain’t much better than walking through somewhere you can’t actually walk through. Through curiosity. Plants grow in most places in the world. It can get to be quite slow to get around.

And with the plants, other life sustained. Insects, critters, birds, rodents, lizards, mammals, and everything in-between. Endless joy for all to see.

We can see how we are connected, how we are interdependent on this diversity that takes advantage of every inch it possibly can. We can learn from these interdependent systems, and how they build up resiliency.

As we create gardens, we derive inspiration by natural flows of life. Sun, humans, water, animals, plants. All considered in a proper garden. This done as a matter of course, as natural as our existence.

Once we set our gardens out, we find nature reacts. The flows of life push on our gardens. Sometimes, our best intentions fail. All failure is a chance for growth. Building resiliency takes time.

What I hope to achieve is to bring together resiliency, flow, and intuition together to create a data backed, human driven landscape design engine. Takes your best intentions and experimentation and gives data-backed feedback with an intuitive interface. And all that data is accessible to all.

As we move forward, this will be less about me. My disappearance is inevitable. Our mark on the world can be one of positive change. The ideas set out by this project grows into all parts of the world. We can be more than we are today.