Dave Lage
Photos of my adventures. Ordered by “Interestingness” by Flickr.
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1269 Fall of the Empire
02296 Pawpaw Flower
04123 Bumble Bees on Mountain Mint
04126 Bumblebee on Mountain Mint
04016 Bee Balm
08860 Wasps on Giant Goldenrod
09267 Common eastern bumble bee on Cup Plant
04296 Bumblebee on Cup Plant
00037 Black Chokeberry
09395 Green Metallic Sweat Bee on Mountain Mint
03442 Leaf Cutter Bee cuts in Showy Tick-Trefoil
2906 Paw Paw
00066 Northern Bayberry
03173 Pawpaw
08517 Digger Wasps on Swamp Milkweed
02368 Red Osier Dogwood Bloom
02287 Lady Fern
01682 Swamp Milkweed & Coastal Joe-Pye Weed
08028 Cerceris fumipennis on Swamp Milkweed
08318 Honey Bee on Cup Plant
03755 Hoverfly on Bee Balm
02476 Bayberry
02273 Golden Ragwort
09409 Giant Goldenrod
09719 Yellow Jacket Fly
09142 Bees on Cup Plant
08148 Swamp Milkweed
0889 Hidden Valley Ranch
01992 Orb Weaver Spider
02091 Pink Caterpillar on Swamp Milkweed
03664 Switchgrass and Wild Senna
198 Melanotaenia boesemani
09488 Ruby-Throated Hummingbird on Scarlet Bee Balm
00867 Bees on Pagoda Dogwood
09825 Northern Paper Wasp
08272 Honey Bee on Smooth Goldenrod
07505 Leaf Cutter Bee on Swamp Milkweed
09700 Long Horned Bee on Cup Plant
02145 Indian Grass
08248 Four-toothed Mason Wasp on Spotted Bee Balm
02388 False Blue Indigo
04130 Bees on Culvers Root
2815 Virgina Creeper
2422 Hazelnuts
01573 Hoverfly Larva eating Aphids
08644 Sand Wasps on Mountain Mint
08706 Great Golden Digger Wasp & Thick Headed Fly on Swamp Milkweed
07483 Switchgrass
01840 Serviceberry Flowers
09254 Sand Wasp
01560 Sweet Gale
700 Serviceberry
01736 Male Deer
08903 Honey Bee on Mountain Mint
09167 Assassin Bug eating a Bumblebee
08812 Potter Wasp on Smooth Goldenrod
01799 Fly on Purple Coneflower
01602 Beetle on Common Milkweed
09878 Cukuu Wasp
07508 Leaf Cutter Bee on Swamp Milkweed
08392 Giant Resin Bee on Cup Plant
07962 Bumblebee on Swamp Milkweed
08973 Hummingbird Clearwing Moth
09415 Green Metallic Sweat Bee on Lemon Basil
09235 Potter Wasp on Giant Goldenrod
04588 Nursery Wolf Spider
02291 Black Cherry Flowers
02723 Sweet Gale
01776 Serviceberry Flower Buds
09835 Confusing Bumble Bee on Clustered Mountain Mint
08821 Sand Wasp on Giant Goldenrod
01570 Serviceberry buds
02734 False Solomon Seal
00787 Pagoda Dogwood Flower Buds
00233 Coyote
09944 Harvestman on Ghost Pepper
09505 Blue-Black Spider Wasp
10 Sweet Gale
09780 Ichneumon Wasp
Sweet Grass
00520 Golden Alexander
09939 End Band Net-wing
08051 Leaf Hoppers on Willow
09598 Ambush Bug eating Yellow Jacket on White Meadowsweet
09705 Long Horned Bee
09666 Sand Wasp
09692 Grass-Carrying Wasp
02897 Pawpaw
2698 Great Blue Lobelia
Butternut sprouting
01538 Anne's Rosette Panic Grass
05806 Violet
08742 Praying Mantis
09829 Confusing Bumble Bee
08464 Wasp on White Meadowsweet
03331 American Spikenard
07133 Spider and Aphids